I am "B" - From Bump to Bub to Bojo ...

A first-time mommy's collection of special memories for her lil' one from conception to delivery ... baby growth

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Ties that bind...

Family ties can be such a funny incomprehensible thing ... its virtually impossible to analyse or express in words (most times) why we feel the way we do about our families (or family members)...

I had abit of an 'episode' recently with the family... my mum & sister to be specific. As the eldest child in the family (and i mean eldest as in older by almost a decade from my 2nd sis & 16 yrs from my youngest!), I have always been independent and somehow, taken over the role of a parent from time to time....

Inevitably, this had led to some countless conflicts I've had with my sister - we are related by blood but yet, so DIFFERENT in character & personality?!?!? Sometimes, care & concern can be so easily 'misrepresented' as lack of reason & sheer dominance... I've had the (unfortunate) opportunity to be privy to this...first-hand.

As an elder sibling, it is so hard to 'see' your sister walk down the path of regret and show restraint in letting her make her own decisions & lead her own life... I suppose, I'm given a "preview" of what is to come as a PARENT? And God forbid, I can now see what a control freak of a parent I'd be!!!

Well-intentioned as it may be... it can be expressed wrong... it can be miscontrued as autocratic... and this is a lesson I have to learn... a difficult one.

In spite of frustrations & many a sleepless night & truckload of tears... these ties that bind... will hold us dear to each other, I know.


Thursday, September 21, 2006

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet."

Hmmm... my very first post - inaugural, virgin, numero uno, 初 次, etc etc. Even before I start proper, I digress... {=:=}

To 'commemorate' my inaugural post, the title of my first entry - borrowed from the all-time famous scribe, William Shakespeare in "Romeo & Juliet" says it all... What indeed is in a name?

In starting this online record of my daily inane musings as inspired by the entertaining "Saggs and the City" blog, I spent all of half an hour (??) deciding on an 'appropriate' name. Afterall, it will be indicative of my creativity & wit (or however little there is of it)!! With 2 vvv good pals in tow, I ploughed through various potentials which included:

"Rantings of a Desperate (non) Housewife"
"The Queen of MESS"
"In Pursuit of TRUE Love"
"My Name is B" or "I am B"

But the one that stood out remains what you see now - I am "B"...

Due recognition has to be given to dear Saggies, THE ORIGINATOR, who had one day (out of the blue, i might add), decided to 'christen' me "B". There was no turning back from then.... I became "B"! Simple tho' it is, this moniker struck a queer chord in me... I liked it....I liked it ALOT!

It evokes a good, strong feel and a sudden impulse to wanna render a *chest-thumping* proclamation of I am "B"!! Saggies claims that this is gorilla-like and so I decided tt I might add an "aw-yee-aw-yee-aw" (a la Tarzan) with the chest-thumping for a better effect! LOL

Aside from "B", I've also been otherwise referred to as:

"C-Cube" (ref. my full name),

"Brownie" (ref. my perennially dyed brown hair),

"Pwee K'tang" (dun ask - its one of those weird & inexplicable things me & my zany bunch of friends came up with to be in 'da hood-like, ahahaha) *roll eyes*

and most recently "C" (a funny attempt by a depraved friend who has major issues and
wants to be 'unique' & NOT refer to me as "B" - u know who YOU are!!)

amongst others.
Ramblings aside, coming back to my vvv literary quote in the title *grin*... regardless of whatever names I may be called - I am still as 'sweet', 'lovable', 'desirable', etc; in essence, still ME!

[Disclaimer: For those who feel torrents of puke spewing forth, pls note that the author will not take any form of responsibility for ill-health related to reading this blog]

Meanwhile, watch this space for more inane ramblings of a modern-day, stressed out working woman!

Over and out,
The Blog Virgin (no more!)
