I am "B" - From Bump to Bub to Bojo ...

A first-time mommy's collection of special memories for her lil' one from conception to delivery ... baby growth

Thursday, April 26, 2007

His plan for us never fails ...

Philippians 4:6-7
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer & petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts & your minds in Christ Jesus"
Eversince the unhappy experience at my previous workplace, I have relied heavily on this verse in the book of Philippians, shared with me in the most timely manner by a good friend (whom I'm sure He put in my life as a "reminder service" of His plans for me - it's far too coincidental that she always rings when I go through a bad patch & always shares with me verses that would calm my nerves).
It was a dark period of great uncertainty and worry (now I know better!) but committing myself to His plan, I found myself richly rewarded. In spite of common expectation that I would be likely to remain UNEMPLOYED till after bojo is born, which I'd estimated to be a good one year from Dec '06, I found myself faced with a much UNEXPECTED opportunity to take up a job that offered new experiences in a new industry - barely a little over a month after the previous saga happened. How 'lucky' was I?
And in the last week, I'm again confounded by just how GREAT & BOUNTIFUL the Lord's blessings can be. All things impossible can be made POSSIBLE through Him! AMEN!! Against all rational expectations, my current employer has done the unthinkable... I'll not be losing out on my 3-month Maternity Leave benefits!!
This 'windfall' is most definitely a miracle! The company is neither not bound by law nor obliged to offer this to me as it was a mutual agreement we had come to at the point of my employment (given that I was employed in my 4th month of pregnancy!
By His grace, this came about without me asking for it... I had made a random prayer at one point, wishing for the 'impossible' - asking Him if some miracle could happen... maybe, just maybe I might be offered the 3-month paid Maternity Leave. Honestly, that was pure wishful thinking on my part.. I did not expect my prayer to be HEARD & ANSWERED! Praise be to God!
Now, I want to share my testimony to all who have worried & fretted over life's uncertainties... I know that as weak as we are, we wil always fall back on our own human rationalisation & ways of trying to resolve our problems BUT I know now that He is with us always...every step of the way. His plans will always be far more superior than we could ever hope for.

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Moving along into my 31st week ...

Fetal Development Factoids
  • Baby's arms, legs & body continue to fill out, they are now finally proportional in size to his head
  • Weighs about 1.5kg now & measures about 41cm from crown to toe
  • Bub isn't moving around as much or as forcefully due to limited room in the uterus
  • Expected to grow at least another 1kg before delivery
  • Bub's organs are continuing to mature & he is now passing water frm his bladder - good practice for urinating after he is born
  • Brain scans have shown that fetuses have periods of dream sleep in the 8th month

WOW! Another week hve flown past & I'm now one week away from my 8th month!! Have been feeling more & more knackered as I move along into the 3rd trimester ... as is expected, i guess? My back is hurting, my ribcage feels stretched & I have this nagging ache at this specific spot on my back which just wouldn't go away? Oh, the joys of pregnancy! Heehee...

On the one hand, the major discomforts I'm experiencing makes me wish our bub would arrive soon... and yet on the other, I'm almost afraid as the countdown to D-Day beckons... hehehe! Hve taken next Mon off so I can 'devote' this weekend (Sat, Sun, Mon & Tue) to tidying up the place & esp Baby's Room! Can't put it off any further... sigh!

On a happier note, had my Performance Appraisal today with me boss & all went well ... PHEW!! Am really happy working with the current team, everyday at work is filled with laughter & great camaraderie so in spite of the stress that comes along with the job, it is still a JOY!

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Like father...like baby son :-)


Tell me that our baby Bojo is not the spitting image of his daddy! Just look at the "evidence" above, hahaha! Bojo is the CARBON COPY of Jojo .... in every sense of the word!

Check out the following: -

  • sleeping pattern,
  • the BIG nose,
  • the LIPS!! &
  • the pouty look on their faces when asleep!!

Its little wonder I felt a sense of deja vu when I first saw our bub's 3D pic ... I knew I've seen that visual somewhere ... now I know .... kekekeke!

Any nay-sayers out there, I throw you a challenge to point out the DIFFERENCES between the 2 of 'em & you get a prize! LOL ...

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The "I Love You" Teddy Bear

I love Jojo... this is an uncharacteristic gesture of L.O.V.E from my husband...

Without going into TOO much detail, we had a tiff on Sunday & were both suitably miffed with each other (to say the least...)

But...SURPRISE SURPRISE...I return home last night & found this sweet "Forever Friends" teddy holding a huge red heart laid on my side of the bed coverd up in the quilt..

Awww....it was a Kodak-worthy moment & certainly a gesture that I was not expecting from my usually taciturn husband who is not given to exhibiting such 'metrosexual-like' behaviour!

Awe-struck, I took the bear in one hand & ran to the bathroom (where he was taking a shower ... R-rated for those of yous under-18 pls! :-P) & asked if he bought me the bear bear... DUH!!!

He mumbled an faintly audible "Yarr" and of course, in true "Joseph-style" proceeded to say ... "So you saying sorry to me?" !!!! Haaaiii, I knew he didn't mean it BUT its his way of minimising the 'sweetness' of his gesture. I know just how much it would've taken him to spend $$ on something as 'frivolous' as this MUCH LESS the thought of doing it so I AM very very appreciative. Of course, Praise to our Lord for I have learnt (yet again) that all things ARE possible through Him!



Sunday, April 08, 2007

Me - Godma!! (Irene's Easter Vigil Baptism)

Ha! Me = Godma or God-M (rather, God-M for 'God-Monster, ;P)!! After more than 10 months in the RCIA journey with Irene, it has finally crescendo'd into the Grand Finale --> Her baptism on the night of the Easter Vigil Mass at Church of the Holy Cross. :-)

It was a happy moment ... God is great! Who would've thought... but who should've ever doubted Him? Irene, my ever-practical, non-religious 'oldest best' friend (no pun intended! she is indeed my oldest & bestest friend, in that category! Ha...) has finally taken zee plunge into committing herself to our good Lord!

My prayer for her is that she continues to walk with the Lord as she now embarks on this life-journey as a Christian. May we find strength in His love for us and always seek to follow Him as He has commanded, "What I have done, go and do likewise". A tall order but nonetheless, we continue to keep trying...

I also pray that He will guide me to always be a 'beacon of light' to Irene as her God-M... lest I stray and fall into bad 'habits'... AMEN!


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

For Bojo ... with love from Aunty Saggies

Bojo is indeed a blessed babe ... even before he is born, he's already sooo loved! Look at ALL the wonderful gifts from Aunty Saggies!!

What can I say?? Is this L.O.V.E or what?!?!?

  1. Christmas '06 - Newborn Baby Rompers from London (Bojo's very 1st Christmas pressie @ 2 mths old!)
  2. April '07 - Handsome shirts & pants from London from Aunty Saggs' visit home to sunny SG
  3. April '07 - Cotton Sateen Baby Sling (Bojo's 1st month Party Gift-in-Advance!!)

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