I am "B" - From Bump to Bub to Bojo ...

A first-time mommy's collection of special memories for her lil' one from conception to delivery ... baby growth

Friday, May 18, 2007

Exactly ONE month to THE DAY!!

What do you know?!?!?!? I am now exactly ONE MONTH to THE DAY!!! 18-May-2007 today and exactly a month from today on 18-Jun-2007 ... I will be welcoming my lil' bub into the world! Just where did all the months go?

So strange that it feels like forever when it is someone else who is expecting BUT when it happens to you, it happens in the blink of an eye ... LOL

On the one hand (as I've been telling all & sundry), I am sooo excited to see my wee one face-to-face, hold him, kiss him, smell him (yes...smell!), cuddle & bury my face in his little chest ... Awwwww!

Yet, on the other hand, I feel so UN-READY for what is to come?? And exactly what is to come???? I've been told... Sleepless Nights, Endless Diaper Changes, Painful Boobies - all seems so negative eh? Well... I suppose I'll just have to wait & see ... not planning on stressing myself out now ... WISH ME WELL!!!!

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Monday, May 14, 2007

My Pregnancy Weight Gain Chart!

Massive weight gain during pregnancy is often a woman's greatest concern... aside from the well-being of her little one... hee!
Thus, in "memory" of this milestone, I have made a log of my weight gain progress throughout my pregnancy to date so here goes: -

* 01-Nov-06 : 64.5kg (confirmation of pregnancy)
1. 15-Nov-06 : 63.3kg
2. 18-Dec-06 : 61.1kg
3. 20-Jan-07 : 61.1kg
4. 23-Feb-07 : 64.5kg
5. 24-Mar-07 : 67.0kg
* 02-Apr-07 : 67.5kg (adhoc gynae visit for abdominal pain)
6. 14-Apr-07 : 68.5kg
7. 28-Apr-07 : 68.9kg
8. 12-May-07 : 70.3kg

**Net weight gain (from confirmation of pregnancy) = 5.8kg
**Net weight gain (from point of actual weight increase) = 9.2kg


Sunday, May 13, 2007

My very 1st Mother's Day!

My Very First Mother's Day!
Happy Mommy's Day to me & all the mommies (Saggs, Mabes & everyone else!) out there!! How exciting... I've finally been promoted to zee NEXT rank ... from Singleton to Girlfriend to Wife ... and now MOMMY!! To be honest, didn't do much by way of "celebration" as too much was happening round about this time (ie. my mum's move, my aircon reno works, etc etc)
BUT worthy of mention - my 2 gal-pals did wish me a "Happy Mother's Day"! One early in zee morning frm Aunty Bubble (aka Mabes) & a vv sweet sms all zee way from zee UK!! Thanks Mabes & Saggies!! :-)

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