I am "B" - From Bump to Bub to Bojo ...

A first-time mommy's collection of special memories for her lil' one from conception to delivery ... baby growth

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Is this THE one... the Mt Alvernia Hospital Tour

Yes! Am vv proud of self... have gotten act together and sorted out the Hospital Guided Tour for Mt Alvernia (my hospital of choice?) ... We scooted off bright & early for the 11am tour & thank goodness we did too! More on the "carpark drama" later ...
In a nutshell, I'm really glad we did the tour. Whilst I'd been at Mt A for my myomectomy in Dec '04, it was an informative session where we were given a detailed & guided tour around the hospital's maternity facilities. We were shown the Delivery Suite, Maternity Wards (St Raphael, Our Lady & St Elizabeth) & the nurseries on Level 3.
St Raphael gets our vote... HANDS DOWN! Hahaha... it is newly renovated with wood panelling & soft-lighting and finally, ONE GOOD THING coming out of a C-section delivery ... i guess i'm able to "reserve" my room at St Raphael vs a Normal Delivery where your preference is on a 'first-come & available' basis (as one would not know when the bub decides to 'arrive'... keke!)
Dunno why this keeps happening to us (maybe its got to do with Jojo?!?!?!!) but the parking situation was just IMPOSSIBLE at Mt A... we were told (later...) by the nurse that 11am is 'peak hour' as it is check-out time...
In any event, we were waiting for a lot in the MSC and as it was approaching 11am, we decided that I should make my way to the lobby to register ourselves first...
I left Jojo waiting in the carpark and 15 mins later, he arrived all huffy-puffy and DEFINITELY miffed! Apparently, some 'ah beng' snatched his lot (to cut a LOOONG story short)... Of course, my huffy-puffy "closet ah beng" hubby did what any self-respecting "ah beng" would do - he parked his car right IN FRONT of the 'ah beng' who stole his lot, ie. BLOCKING his exit entirely...!!!! *horrors*
Anyhow, we had a bit of tiffy tiff coz I was upset tt he was "ruining" a special baby moment, ie. our hospital tour... with dour temperament... so tour did start off on a bad note... with me sulking and him black-faced! And me standing in one corner of Delivery Suite and him at the OTHER end with arms crossed! Haaiiii...
But... as always, the 'quiet & gentle' spirit in me did the RIGHT thing and 'made peace' & we managed to continue the tour in relatively good spirits??
Drama #2 - When tour had ended, we strolled back to the carpark (me full of apprehension over the impending "showdown" b/w the 2 ah bengs!!) and what did we see???? TWO POLICEMEN waiting for us at Jojo's 'illegally' parked car... man!!!!



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