I am "B" - From Bump to Bub to Bojo ...

A first-time mommy's collection of special memories for her lil' one from conception to delivery ... baby growth

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Our Sarong Sling Escapade...

This 'ha-ha moment' I am christening... "Our Sarong Sling Escapade"... read on & you'll find out why!

After our mini shopping spree at the Taka Baby Fair, we trolled along to United Square (I learned that this is Kids Mall Central!!) to hunt for the Sarong Sling that we have intentions to buy... and pic on the right is the sling we have in mind...

A ha! Found the boutique that carries this "BayB Sling"... and this is WHEN the 'ha-ha moment' came along! We had the very helpful salesgirl do a quick demo of how to put on the sling... and they even had a mock baby to help demonstrate how to put baby in, etc...

Hmmm...looked really easy! I offered to give it a shot too... Afterall, momma would have to be using this sling quite a fair bit, no? Okay...verdict is.. its TOUGH! From the get-go, I couldn't even figure out how to put sling on... N'mind that... salesgirl passed on mock baby to me... and I'm ALL over the place... tried to fit baby INTO sling.. found that baby's arm was sticking out the wrong way... and tried stuffing back in!

At this point, Jojo gave me a 'pointed' look that essentially said... "mmm, with real baby you can't be doing that..." and I heard a giggle from the salesgirl... "FINE, BLEH!!" Me passes on sling to the smart aleck daddy-to-be.. let's see how WELL he does..

Verdict #2 - He's worse than me?!?!?!?!? He got the sling on alright BUT when he had the baby, attempted to put in baby the wrong way in... AND AND AND... once bub is in, our friend lifted the sarong frm both ends and did a little 'toss toss' to adjust the bub so it fits snugly into the sling?????? Needless to say, I WAS AGHAST!!!

Moral of this escapade = Both of us have just begun to realise how inept we are with handling a BUB!! This was just a mock baby... imagine a REAL one with moving arms & legs, etc.... this is baaaad..... :-(



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